Before Powerkeep begins to work its creative ahchemy, we thoroughly define the project and its scope, features, prupose, and functionality. Our team leads the client through a programming exercise to help explore the needs of the ultimate user of the product, and we identify the extent of the services required to manifest the project's vision.
As the design team begins to form a cohesive relationship and a shared concept for building the final product, a schedule is created to map out specific steps or sub-goals that will be achieved throughout the process. Clients can be kept apprised of progress with frequent updates. By creating milestones we have the ability to keep careful track of resources as well as deadlines that need to be attained.
Because we are dedicated to having our expert team execute projects quickly and efficiently, a carefully-planned schedule is planned out at the outset of the project to detail when each subsequent sub-goal can be expected to have been met.
The statement of work thus developed in the initial stages of PK's project management spells our each PK team member's work activities and timeline for the project, ensuring that all necessary deadlines will be met on time and within budget. |