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This product is designed for GE. It's purpose is to combine the famous companies that apply electronic, comsumer electronics, software, hardware, retail and other industries to establish open power line interconnection network access specifications for all kinks of information appliances.

HomePlug is a specification standard used in testing and standardization of hardware used for communication of two or more devices. HomePlug has revolutionized the way that devices are able to connect by Ethernet network. The HomePlug hardware can simply be plugged into any existing power socket in a building, and all devices connected to it can have access to the data as if they were plugged into a standard Ethernet connection.

It's future goal is to build a LAN by plugs the power plug into the pre-installed universal socket. The new technology uses ordinary power linew to transmit information on the internet. All household appliances such as telephone, fax machines, computers, televisions, cameras and others can be inter connected directly with outlets on the wall in the future.

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